
Showing posts from July, 2019

San Francisco AND Alcatraz

San Francisco and Alcatraz and more... Time for some sight seeing prior to attending the next conference - where else but another prison, and almost the most iconic prison in the world - Alcatraz. The tour of Alcatraz was amazing, learning about the workings and daily routines of prisoners on this island and how the prison gaurds and their families also lived on the island. The reason there are no longer any prisoners, because it was to expensive to house just 348 prisoners! The six solitary confirnement cells were the most depressing. Other areas of San Francisco we explored include: Chinatown, Castro and Haight-Ashbury, and of course Little Italy. The different cultures living side by side was inspiring, my favorite Castro and a close second Haight-Ashbury (as my kids have often referred to me as a hippy, but I don't see it!). But, of course due to my love of seals - Pier 39, although the majority were off mating and breeding. My daytime pics of Castro There wa...

AAIC presentation Dementia in Prison

AAIC presenation Dementia in Prison The conference has been so engaging, I am delayed in my blogging!! I had the opportunity to present an element of my PrisDem work: "Prison initiatives to support older prisoners and those with dementia: the prisoner’s lived experience." Thank you to everyone who engaged with the presentation and poster! A lot of insightful conversations and some great ideas and collaborations on taking this work forward. I always come away with new plans, ideas and a renewed level of energy to ensure this work is completed and all people with dementia obtain appropriate support and this includes those in prison.

AAIC 2019 Los Angeles

AAIC 2019 Los Angeles My first time attending this conference, important and ground breaking work in the diagnosis, treatment and the possibility of halting the progression of dementia - some of the presentations are overwhelmingly scientific, but incredible to have an overview of the amazing work that is occuring. The exhibition hall, although also rather medical facing was equally as facinating! The buzz at the conference is inspiring and for me always re-engages me with the importance of research in dementia, whether this is medical, scientific or addressing care and human rights. Tomorrw, my poster presenation looking forward to more networking.

Conference time!

Conference time! Over the next few days I will be attending and presenting at a number of conferences, to discuss my work on how to support prisoners with dementia. The first conference is the AAIC - Alzheimer's Association International Conference in LA, and the second conference is STTI - Sigma Theta Tau International Nursing Conference. I have just arrived in LA, the weather is beautiful and the pizza with cauliflower crust was delicious, although not used to the high-rise hotels - look at the lift!