San Francisco AND Alcatraz
San Francisco and Alcatraz and more... Time for some sight seeing prior to attending the next conference - where else but another prison, and almost the most iconic prison in the world - Alcatraz. The tour of Alcatraz was amazing, learning about the workings and daily routines of prisoners on this island and how the prison gaurds and their families also lived on the island. The reason there are no longer any prisoners, because it was to expensive to house just 348 prisoners! The six solitary confirnement cells were the most depressing. Other areas of San Francisco we explored include: Chinatown, Castro and Haight-Ashbury, and of course Little Italy. The different cultures living side by side was inspiring, my favorite Castro and a close second Haight-Ashbury (as my kids have often referred to me as a hippy, but I don't see it!). But, of course due to my love of seals - Pier 39, although the majority were off mating and breeding. My daytime pics of Castro There wa...